Diagnosing Childhood Cancer Due to Tobacco Abuse
June 12, 2019
About Child abuse
June 30, 2019Bullying is absolutely wrong, and there is never a good reason to do it. It sounds cliched, but it is very accurate. Every time you see someone bullying or you bully a person, think of how the other individual is feeling. Ask yourself:
• Would you like to be treated that way in front of others?
• Have you ever thought about what they may be feeling?
For the person being bullied, the experience is more than stressful. It can be traumatic that has an impact that lasts for a lifetime. Furthermore, bullying may also affect the people who watch you bully someone. They may feel afraid to interfere and thus, helpless.
So, how do we check for bullying? Ofttimes what we think as jesting can turn out to be worse. There can be many unintentional reasons for bullying like:
• You think the other person didn’t mind and took it as fun.
• You think the individual deserved it.
Because of these thoughts, one may end up bullying another soul without meaning to. For such instances, here is a list of questions you can ask yourself to prevent bullying.
• Are you sure it is just teasing? If the answer is yes, then every person involved should be having fun and ready to participates. If even one person feels hurt, then it is bullying.
• Is everyone laughing? If even one person is sad or fake laughing, then it is bullying, and you should stop at once and apologise to them.
• Are you conflicting? Sometimes two people get angry at each other without planning too. In such situations, words may be said that hurt people. This is bullying. If that is the case, step back, get your anger in control, and resolve the disagreement peacefully. Do not abuse your power over someone.
• Is the moment mean? Often people hurl mean and nasty comments at each other without realising how they hurt. An isolated event that happens only once can be patched, but if one person is mean to another repeatedly, then it is bullying.
If the answer to even one of the above questions was yes, then you have been a bully. Do not worry; you have the opportunity to:
• Take responsibility for your actions, and change how you treat others.
• Stop making others feel afraid, unsafe, and helpless.
• Apologise and help the victim to move forward.
Always bear in mind:
• Bullying is a big deal because it affects the victim, the bully, and those who observe the circumstances.
• You don’t gain anything from bullying, and no-one deserves to be victimised.
• Just because you want to fit in with the cool people doesn’t mean you have to hurt, embarrass or bully someone else.
• If you are frustrated, don’t take it out on another person. It is wrong.
• It is possible to coexist with a person you don’t like.
• There is no need to hurt other people.
• Behaviour can be easily changed.
Remember, we never know what is going on in another person’s life. So, always be kind.
1. Here are a few tips to prevent delinquent behavior
Children and youngsters in foster care can accomplish many things in their life. Unfortunately, there is a chance for them to get involved in negative behavior. If this negative behavior crosses the line and enters delinquency, then it could be really challenging to get them out of it. Delinquency is a criminal act committed by youngsters under 16 years of age. Being a foster parent, you need to know that it is up to you to raise the children under your care and control their behavior and guide them to the right path.
Delinquency preventive tips for you
Basically, you can have a tremendous influence on them in your everyday life. Here, you will get to know how to prevent delinquency.
Firstly, you need to connect with the child. It is important to build a strong relationship, which will take time and effort but the results are amazing. You can establish a supportive and caring relationship with the young person. This is very important for the child who has experienced maltreatment in the past.
Next, you need to be very clear about expectations and rules to be followed. You need to explain the children under your care to know what you really expect from thems. But this has to be done in a friendly yet clear way. Respond to any kind of misbehavior in a proportionate way.
Do not forget to build on your behavior management skills. Children in foster care might have faced trauma in the past that might make them behave differently. Teach them how to manage their behavior and help them shine in their life without getting involved in trouble.
Remember that you need to be a supportive, present and informed foster parent or caretaker. Especially, it is important for the child to perform well in school, extracurricular activities and treatment or therapy of any kind.
2. Tips for crime prevention for kids
Parents need to realize their every day there are thousands of children who are affected due to violent crimes. Having said that, it is your responsibility to keep them safe. It doesn’t mean that you need to keep your kids locked in the house until they grow up but to teach them the basic safety aspects and give them the awareness of crime prevention.
Basic safety crime prevention tips
It is important for young children to know about basic safety precautions in order to stay safe. These are detailed below.
Help your children learn their personal details such as full name, phone number and address including the area code and state. Teach them to call 911 when there is an appropriate situation and help them learn how to use the pay phones. Make them understand how to identify safe adults such as a security guard, teacher or police officer. Explain to them that they should not accept food, ride or gifts from strangers. Also, make sure to take the logical safety precautions in public such as accompanying young kids to the restroom.
Instill the importance of saying ‘No’ to your child at a young age. No one can touch them in such a way that it makes them feel uncomfortable. Assign a safe spot in the neighborhood such as a highly trusted friend’s house where your child can go during an emergency.
Evaluate the safety conditions in your neighborhood such as poorly lighted areas, wooded areas, etc. Once you evaluate, you need to teach your children regarding safety and ask them to avoid such areas.
Recently, the number of sexual abuse incidents is on the rise and you need to take the right step to prevent the same. You should not be embarrassed to discuss the same to your child. You can help your child understand that no one should be allowed to touch them inappropriately. Talk to them on a daily basis and listen to them carefully. Observe if your children are talking about discomfort. And, keep in mind not to shame or punish them when they confide in you.
3. How can you be better at preventing delinquency
When it comes to delinquency prevention, there is equal responsibility among everyone including parents, schools, government agencies and non-profit organizations at various levels. With many being involved, it is tough to conclude who has the maximum responsibility to protect youth at risk. Though parents are at the first level when it comes to preventing delinquent behavior, there are others also who have important roles to play. Here, you will get to know how government agencies and other individuals help minimize juvenile delinquency.
Facts about juvenile delinquency
Basically, juvenile delinquency is the antisocial behavior exhibited by children or young people under the age of 16. It is something beyond parental control and is subjected to legal action. There are estimations that almost half of the youth arrests are based on account of assault, theft, drug abuse, curfew violations and disorderly conduct. Studies show that in recent years, there is a decline in the youth delinquency arrests. By preventing the same, we can help decrease the arrest rates further.
Government and parents work together
Given that the government is also responsible for controlling delinquency, it is important for the responsible ones to bring an effective prevention program. There is a council to coordinate with the juvenile delinquency programs and find out how the local, state and federal programs and work together to prevent delinquency among youth at high risk.
Ultimately, parents who have lost control over their kids’ behavior should also find ways to eliminate the same. When they find time to connect with their kids and stay together, there is an increased possibility to bring positive outcomes and prevent delinquency. Efforts as small as having dinner together on a daily basis will help reduce delinquency. Parents have the incredible power to help save the lives of their children from falling prey to juvenile delinquency but realizing a way to prevent it is a major task.
4. Tips to help you prevent crime
As per several studies, 80% of sexual assaults are predicted to be preventable on applying appropriate crime prevention strategies. Both men and women can follow crime prevention steps in order to reduce the occurrence of crime and become a victim. We live in a world that is filled with good and bad and there is violence in many situations. Given that violent criminals affect others and make them victims, it is important to know the prevention tips to avoid dangerous situations.
Model Mugging crime prevention employs an educational method, which teaches students about personal safety, criminal activity and techniques and tactics to prevent crime. This way, students can adjust their lifestyle to thwart potential criminal predation. These techniques to prevent danger are claimed to be the best self-defense tips for women as well. Though women are physically more vulnerable as compared to men, they can be more perceptive to handle potential danger with these techniques.
Crime prevention strategies that will be of help
Life involves a lot of risks and there is no foolproof technique or security hardware that will guarantee safety and protection of oneself or a property. As we live in a changing world, it is important to prioritize personal safety. There are some crime prevention strategies that will help you in situations. Firstly, you need to be aware of the safety precautions and develop ideas that will help you be free from crime. You should be able to recognize potential threats and know the counter measures. These will make it difficult for predators to make use of the opportunity.
Also, you need to pay attention to the situations and stories about criminal behavior as it will help you get awareness regarding the ever-changing surroundings around you. It is important to learn proactive measures and safety techniques to gain an upper hand than the attacker. This technique is will harden the target for the person on the other end.